Along with the release of the official date of the twenty-third film of the franchise in Japan, “Pokémon The Movie Coco” comes this beauty.
For the purchase of your ticket at all Seven-Eleven stores in Japan you will receive a Code to Get Zarude and Shiny Celebi for Sword & Shield titles and a Pokémon TCG Special Box or a few Sports Bottles… (Who the hell would choose the bottles?)
Pokémon The Movie Coco Special Set
This small box contains:
- ▶1 Cardboard Film Themed Box
- ▶1 Pikachu’s Promo Letter Engulfed
- ▶1 Shiny Celebi Plastic Coin
Pikachu Engulfed Promo 105/S-P
Pikachu Engulfed (⚡) PS 60
Pokémon Basic
[⚪]Oppression: 10
[⚡][⚪][⚪]Impactruene: 70
Descarts all Energies attached to this Pokémon.
Weakness: (✊?x2)R
thdrawal: (⚪)
#AlphaTeasterTCG #TyrantChannel #PokemonTCGJapan #PokemonCenterJapan #PikachuPromo #CramorantTCG #PikachuTCG #CramorantPromo #SevenElevenJapan #PokemonTheMovieCoco